a dtag has just been applied to a Cuvier's beaked whale

Atlantic Behavioral Response Study (Atlantic BRS)

Welcome to the website of the Atlantic BRS!

This project involves field controlled exposure experiments (CEEs) to quantify the behavioral response of Cuvier’s beaked whales and short-finned pilot whales to tactical mid-frequency (3-4 kHz) active sonar (MFAS) off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The objective is to provide direct empirical measurements of behavioral response in relation to key exposure variables, including received exposure level, proximity to the source, and behavioral state.

On this site you can find news updates, links to publications and supplementary information, and more. For a more detailed summary of the project and to see some of our outputs check out the research and publications pages.


Our partners on this project include: Southall Environmental Associates, Inc., Duke University Marine Laboratory, Sea Mammal Research Unit, Calvin College, Bridger Consulting, and the Naval Postgraduate School.

This project is funded by U.S. Fleet Forces Command and managed by Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic as part of the U.S. Navy’s marine species monitoring program.

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